Get Credit for What You've Already Learned and Accomplished
You may receive academic credit for a course when you successfully complete an assessment detailing college-level learning you've gained through experience.
DU will consider learning gained through career and personal experience, in job-related activities and community participation, as well as experience based on training from specialized schools or testing programs.
You may complete an assessment for credit any time during the year. It will be created, monitored, and assessed by faculty evaluators, and credit is assigned based on merit. DU's PLA process adheres to the Ten Standards for Assessing Learning as developed by the Council for Adult & Experiential Learning (CAEL).
Save time and money on a Davenport degree
Davenport University simplifies the college funding process with the PantherPath Credit Predictor Tool. Just answer 8 quick questions in 3 minutes to receive an estimate of time and tuition savings for your degree.
Prior Learning Assessment (PLA)
If you've gained college-level learning through your career and personal experience - whether in a job-related activity, community participation, or specialized training, you can complete an assessment demonstrating your learning from experience and find out if it qualifies for course credit. PLAs are assessed by faculty, and credit is assigned based on merit.
PLA Institutional Policy Updates: July 2024
Undergraduate and Graduate PLA Eligibility GPA:
Undergraduate students must have a minimum GPA of 2.0 for non-major coursework to be approved for a PLA attempt. For major coursework, a minimum GPA of 2.3 is required. Graduate students must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 to attempt any PLA.
New Admits and Transfer Student PLA Eligibility GPA:
Institutional policy requires new admits and transfer students to have a minimum previous GPA of 2.0. DU will allow new students without an established GPA at DU to attempt PLAs in both major and foundational courses they are approved for.
Completion of Prerequisite Courses:
All prerequisite courses must be completed, either traditionally or through PLA, before a subsequent PLA can be undertaken. There may be exceptions to this requirement (especially for internship courses), and those will be determined on a case by case basis. To be granted an exception, the student’s advisor must petition the Department Chair for a prerequisite waiver. NOTE: A student may be APPROVED for a PLA before the prerequisite course is completed, but they must pass the prerequisite before the PLA can be attempted.
PLA Approval Process:
Students seeking PLA approval must submit a resume and a narrative description of their relevant experience in relation to the learning outcomes of the course.
Time Allocation for PLA:
Students will be granted a minimum of four weeks to complete any PLA. Faculty may extend this time based on the specific course or PLA assignment requirements.
Extension Policy:
Extensions are allowed with faculty approval. Requests for extensions must be communicated before 5:00 pm on the deadline day. Only one extension is permitted, with a maximum duration of two weeks.
Submission Deadline Policy:
All PLA deliverables must be submitted by 11:59 pm EST on the specified deadline date. Failure to submit on time will result in the termination of the PLA attempt, and the student will be required to complete the course.
Resubmission Policy:
If the initial PLA submission does not meet quality standards, students are allowed one revision based on faculty feedback. The resubmission deadline is two weeks from the date the student is informed of the need to revise and resubmit, and this process is treated similarly to an extension.
Stop-Out Policy:
If a student stops out of a PLA attempt with a valid reason (subject to faculty discretion) and communicates this before the PLA deadline, they may re-attempt the PLA. If a student stops out by missing a deadline without communication or a valid rationale, they will not be permitted to attempt a PLA for that course again.
Capstone Policy:
In general, students are not allowed to utilize the PLA process to complete a capstone course. Exceptions can be made in rare circumstances. To be considered for an exception, students must petition the department chair and PLA coordinator.
College-Specific PLA Policies
College of Health Professions
Ineligible Programs
- Health Information Management Completion, BS
- Health and Human Service Case Management BS/MS Occupational Therapy Combined Degree
Ineligible Courses
- HINT297C: All students must complete hours at a site; however, they may qualify for an hour reduction by filling out the form below. Students who are interested should download a copy and email it to the program director for approval. Exceptions to qualifications will not be made. HINT297C Hours Reduction Form
- MEDA290: Must have current RMA or CMA certification.
- HLTH401: This course goes into the specifics of the research process and critical reading of published research. In rare circumstances where the student has conducted IRB approved research, the student may be considered for PLA. Reach out to the PLA coordinator or program director for more details
- HSAD 415: This course is required for documentation of education/contact hours necessary to be eligible to sit for Nursing Home Administrator Licensure Exam.
- HSAD 423 This course is required for documentation of education/contact hours necessary to be eligible to sit for Nursing Home Administrator Licensure Exam.
- HSAD 430 This course is required for documentation of education/contact hours necessary to be eligible to sit for Nursing Home Administrator Licensure Exam.
College of Business
BS Legal Studies Specific PLA Limits
BS Legal Studies students are only allowed to use PLA for LEGL490 and 1 additional course within the Legal Specialty (i.e., LEGL101, LEGL204, LEGL213, LEGL215, LEGL216, LEGL218, LEGL220, LEGL301, LEGL303, LEGL305, LEGL308).
Actualizaciones de la Política Institucional de PLA: julio de 2024
Promedio General (GPA) de Elegibilidad para la Evaluación del Aprendizaje Previo (PLA) de Pregrado y Posgrado:
Promedio General (GPA) de Elegibilidad para PLA de Pregrado y Posgrado:
Los estudiantes de pregrado deben tener un GPA mínimo de 2.0 en los cursos que no sean de su especialización para ser aprobados para un intento de PLA. Para los cursos de la especialización, se requiere un GPA mínimo de 2.3. Los estudiantes de posgrado deben tener un GPA mínimo de 3.0 para intentar cualquier PLA.
GPA de elegibilidad para PLA de nuevos ingresos y estudiantes transferidos:
La política institucional requiere que los estudiantes de nuevos ingresos y transferidos tengan un GPA mínimo previo de 2.0. DU permitirá que los estudiantes nuevos sin un GPA establecido en DU intenten PLAs tanto en los cursos de su especialización como en los cursos fundamentales para los que estén aprobados.
Finalización de Cursos Prerrequisito:
Todos los cursos prerrequisito deben completarse, ya sea de manera tradicional o mediante PLA, antes de emprender un siguiente PLA. Puede haber excepciones a este requisito (especialmente para los cursos de prácticas), y estas se determinarán caso por caso. Para obtener una excepción, el asesor del estudiante debe solicitar una dispensa de prerrequisito al Director del Departamento. NOTA: Un estudiante puede ser APROBADO para un PLA antes de completar el curso prerrequisito, pero debe aprobar el prerrequisito antes de intentar el PLA.
Proceso de Aprobación de PLA:
Los estudiantes que busquen la aprobación de PLA deben presentar un currículum y una descripción narrativa de su experiencia relevante en relación con los resultados de aprendizaje del curso.
Asignación de Tiempo para PLA:
Se otorgará a los estudiantes un mínimo de cuatro semanas para completar cualquier PLA. Los profesores pueden extender este tiempo según los requisitos específicos del curso o de la tarea del PLA.
Política de Extensión:
Se permiten extensiones con la aprobación del profesor. Las solicitudes de extensiones deben comunicarse antes de las 5:00 pm en el día límite. Solo se permite una extensión, con una duración máxima de dos semanas.
Política de Plazo de Entrega:
Todos los entregables del PLA deben presentarse antes de las 11:59 pm EST en la fecha límite especificada. El no presentar a tiempo resultará en la terminación del intento de PLA, y el estudiante deberá completar el curso.
Política de Reenvío:
Si la presentación inicial del PLA no cumple con los estándares de calidad, los estudiantes tienen permitido una revisión basada en los comentarios del profesor. La fecha límite de reenvío es de dos semanas desde el día en que se informa al estudiante de la necesidad de revisar y reenviar, y este proceso se trata de manera similar a una extensión.
Política de Pausa (Stop-Out):
Si un estudiante se retira de un intento de PLA por una razón válida (a discreción del profesorado) y comunica esto antes de la fecha límite del PLA, puede volver a intentar el PLA. Si un estudiante se retira al faltar a la fecha límite sin comunicación o una justificación válida, no se le permitirá intentar un PLA para ese curso nuevamente.
Actualización de la Universidad: 16/07/2024
College-Specific PLA Policies
Maine College of Business
- BS Legal Studies students are allowed to use PLA for LEGL490 and 1 additional course within the Legal Specialty (i.e., LEGL101, LEGL204, LEGL213, LEGL215, LEGL216, LEGL218, LEGL220, LEGL301, LEGL303, LEGL305, LEGL308).
College of Health Professions
- Minimum 2.0 Cumulative GPA (This is a graduation requirement)
- May not have previously failed the same course
- If a student fails a PLA attempt, they cannot repeat the PLA process for that course
- All prerequisite courses to the requested PLA major course must be completed (To ensure foundational knowledge was learned)
- HIM Completion program is not eligible
- HHCM to MSOT program is not eligible (To ensure CGPA is a 3.5 by third year winter semester; if student PLA course it could interfere with reaching the required CGPA)
- Student must document how they met each course learning outcome as part of the PLA request (This will provide specific information about learning outcomes the student has experience that cannot be obtained from a resume review; this also provides the student with more information about what is being evaluated in their completed prior learning assessment)
- Non-eligible courses
- HINT 297C (form required for reduction in hours-all students must complete hours at a site; however, they may qualify for an hour reduction by filling out this FORM. Students download a copy and email it to the program director for approval. Exceptions to qualifications will not be made.
- MEDA 290 (must have current RMA or CMA certification)
- HLTH 401(This course goes into the specifics of research process and critical reading of published research; this course may be considered for PLA if the student has actual research (IRB approved) experience)
- HSAD 415 (Required documentation of education/contact hours necessary to be eligible to sit for Nursing Home Administrator Licensure Exam)
- HSAD 423 (Required documentation of education/contact hours necessary to be eligible to sit for Nursing Home Administrator Licensure Exam)
- HSAD 430 (Required documentation of education/contact hours necessary to be eligible to sit for Nursing Home Administrator Licensure Exam)
Davenport awards credit when you achieve a passing score on the College-Level Examination Program (CLEP), DSST, Advanced Placement and Credit by Exam programs or approved national certification exams. DU no longer offers these exams on our campuses, but students can take exams at other local approved testing centers and transfer the credit to DU.
For a list of exams and their DU course equivalencies, see this link.
Competency Testing is still offered for select classes in Math, English, and Allied Health.
Military Experience
Earn credit for knowledge you've acquired through specialized training and experience in military service. DU meets all Servicemembers Opportunity Colleges (SOC) criteria, and awards credit when you submit the appropriate military records to the Registrar's Office.
Professional Certifications/Licenses
Credit may be granted when you receive certain professional certifications/licenses. Contact the Registrar's Office for more information.
Corporate/Non-Collegiate Training
Based on the recommendation of the National Program on Non-collegiate Sponsored Instruction, ACE, other review bodies, and/or Davenport's own vetting process, credit may be granted for educational programs sponsored by non-collegiate organizations (including labor, government, business, associations, private training organizations). See the Davenport Non-Collegiate Credit Policy & Process and contact the Registrar's Office for more information.
Credit for Prior Learning options are available for students in all of Davenport's undergraduate and graduate degree programs.
Prior Learning Assessment Process For Students
To begin the PLA process, students should send their most current resume and list of any professional certifications held and/or trainings completed to:
Matt Devereaux, Assistant Vice-Provost for Assessment & Prior Learning Assessment Coordinator at:
The PLA Assessment Coordinator will then review the student's experience with a subject matter expert faculty member in the student's academic program to determine which course(s) could be a good fit for pursuing PLA and then direct the student on the PLA process, requirements, and deadlines.
BUSN 489 & TECH 489 are not available via PLA. Program capstone courses are also not available via PLA.
- PLA for undergraduate programs is limited to 50% of the major courses.
- PLA at the graduate level is limited to 9 credit hours and 50% of credit hours in graduate certificates.
Subject matter expert faculty evaluate and award credit for PLA assessments using a Common PLA Rubric for performance. Credit awards are processed by the Prior Learning Assessment Coordinator in coordination the Central Registrar's Office.
An assessment fee of $225 is added to the student e-bill for each course pursued through the PLA process.
Prior Learning Assessment Information for Faculty & Staff
Academic credit for a course may be awarded to those students who produce a completed assessment detailing college-level learning gained through experience. Consideration will be given to learning gained through career and personal experience in job-related activities and community participation, as well as that based on training from specialized schools or testing programs. Students may complete their assessment at anytime of the year. Assessments are created, monitored, and evaluated by subject matter expert faculty evaluators, and credit is assigned based on merit.
Information for Faculty Assessing Prior Learning Portfolios
Advisors, faculty, and other DU staff should first review the PLA process at this LINK for more information.
Subject matter expert faculty then work in collaboration with the Vice Provost for Assessment & Prior Learning Assessment Coordinator to create, monitor, and evaluate PLA assessments following the Ten Standards for Assessing Learning developed by the Council for Adult & Experiential Learning (CAEL).
Matt Devereaux
Assistant Vice Provost for Assessment & Prior Learning Assessment Coordinator
Davenport University
6191 Kraft Avenue SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49512
Phone: 616-554-5278