Course Delivery Formats

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Campus Based Delivery Modalities Global Based Delivery Modalities
Blended Global Flex 
Campus Flex Global Fieldwork
Campus Fieldwork Livestream
In-seat On-Demand
In-Seat Independent Study On-Demand Independent Study 
In-Seat Seminar Internships
  Global Seminar
Helpful Terminology
Term or Acronym Definition or Explanation
UG Undergraduate
GR Graduate
Asynchronous (asyc) No real-time interaction, due dates and flexible access to materials
Synchronous (sync) Classes are held at a scheduled time and students meet virtually in Video Conferencing
Learning Management System (LMS)


All classes utilize Blackboard for gradebook and communication, but Global use it exclusively

How to access Blackboard | New Students


The list is not comprehensive, some specialized programs may have delivery methods not listed here.

Campus Based Delivery
Title on Schedule Common Description Explanation

Blended Inseat w/On-Demand UG

Blended Inseat w/On-Demand GR

Blended In-Seat with On-Demand (Asynchronous)

In this format, class meets in-seat for 60% of the required contact hours and the remaining 40% of the course is completed online.

In addition to the in-seat class meetings, blended classes require a minimum of 2-3 hours of On-Demand (Asynchronous) student participation per week.

Flex Delivery UG

Flex Delivery GR

Campus Flex Flex courses delivered on a physical campus will include multiple synchronous and asynchronous options for learning though in-seat will only be available at the campus designated in the schedule.

All course activity is synchronized around the in-seat meeting date(s) and times where the instructor provides weekly instruction that may be accessed through multiple synchronous and asynchronous options.

Students may freely switch between the options during the course.
GR Fieldwork In-Seat Fieldwork

Fieldwork occurs in the following departments: Mental Health Counseling, Occupational Therapy and Nursing.

This graduate level fieldwork is a hands-on, experiential learning method that takes place outside the traditional classroom setting. It immerses students in real-world environments, allowing them to apply theoretical knowledge in practical, often complex, situations. 

Campus based Fieldwork may require site visits from a faculty member and/or meetings on campus.




Classes meets in a campus classroom for specific day(s) and times.

The classroom, day(s), and times are published on your schedule.

GR Independent Study

UG Independent Study

In-Seat Independent Study

In this format, students work independently, following a detailed syllabus.

There are scheduled meetings with an instructor for a specified number of times (vary depending length of the course); individually or in small groups.

Graduate Seminar

Undergraduate Seminar

In-Seat Seminar

Ensures that required observation hours, professional development, or project is completed i.e. program specific requirements. 

Typically follow a a faculty mentor and mentee set up. 

Global Based Delivery(Exclusively in Blackboard )
Title on Schedule Common Description Explanation

Flex Delivery UG

Flex Delivery GR

Global Flex

Asynchronous course activity is enhanced by optional recorded synchronous course meetings where the instructor provides weekly instruction.

All course activity is synchronized around the virtual meeting date(s) and times where the instructor provides weekly instruction that may be accessed through multiple synchronous and asynchronous options.

Students may freely switch between the options during the course.

Livestream Practicum UG

UG Practicum/Course

Livestream Practicum GR

Global Fieldwork

Fieldwork is a hands-on, experiential learning method that takes place outside the traditional classroom setting. It immerses students in real-world environments, allowing them to apply theoretical knowledge in practical, often complex, situations. 

Global based Fieldwork may require reports/information from a site supervisor and/or the submission of assignments.

Fieldwork occurs in the following departments: Mental Health Counseling, Occupational Therapy and Health Programs.

Livestream Undergraduate

Livestream Graduate


Classes are held at a scheduled time and students meet virtually in Video Conferencing. Live faculty deliver key learning components, including short lectures, discussions, activities, and group projects. Course materials, including assignments, assessments, and supplemental content, are housed in Blackboard Learn and are available at any time.

Students may participate in the class session from their home computer or other workstation as long as technology requirements are met.

Livestream Internship

Livestream Undergraduate

Livestream Graduate

Internships Internship format may be based on the size of the course. There are required meetings occurring via Livestream ( Video Conferencing).

Course ensures the recording of the required hours corresponding to the course credits, a site visit, and meetings with the instructor teaching the course. 

On-Demand (asynchronous) UG

On-Demand (asynchronous) GR


On-Demand courses provide students with asynchronous learning, using state-of-the-art technology. The required contact hours are met  online via asynchronous interactions with faculty, classmates, and course materials. 

Each course follows a weekly schedule for assignments which is outlined in the syllabus and course calendar. What day and time you access the course to complete work is up to you but the due dates for assignments must be met. Courses are delivered through Blackboard Learn, which houses all of the information students need in its virtual environment.

A seven week course requires  18-20 hours per week of student participation per week. Please note, individual students may require more (or less) time depending on their personal level of experience with the material, level of experience with computers, and the speed of internet connection. On-Demand Technology requirements.

UG Independent Study

GR Independent Study

On-Demand Independent Study In this format, students work independently, following a detailed syllabus. 

Undergraduate Seminar

Graduate Seminar

Global Seminar Courses delivered in this format typically encompass the completion of program level requirements that are outside of course such as a Background Check, Drug screen, or review of a handbook.

For those students who do not have their own computer access or need a temporary back up, a computer workstation will be available on a Davenport campus.