University Curriculum Committee (UCC) Purpose, Forms, Membership, & Meeting Minutes

Changes to Fall 2024 UCC meeting dates:

Here's the new UCC meeting and proposal schedule to the end of the year:

  • Wednesday, December 4 UCC meeting: Proposals due to Curriculog by Friday, November 22
  • Wednesday, December 18 UCC meeting: Proposals due to Curriculog by Friday, December 6

Most UCC forms may now be submitted via the online Curriculog System

UCC Purpose:

Davenport University realizes the importance of cutting edge new programs and continuous improvement of the academic courses and programs that support its mission. The University Curriculum Committee is charged with managing the process. The group is responsible for deciding whether or not new programs should be approved for implementation, reviewing curriculum changes, facilitating discussion of curriculum related issues, and formulating and reviewing curriculum standards and policies.

What is the team charged with doing?

New programs: The team is charged with reviewing and deciding which new programs that have received a positive  marketability review should be approved for implementation. For those programs not approved, the committee will provide feedback in regard to additional information or changes needed in the proposal and/or reasons why the proposal was rejected.

Curriculum change review: Reviews courses (additions, revisions, and eliminations) and program-level changes (minor revisions, new specialties, restructures) for quality and alignment within and across programs, divisions, and colleges; recommends actions to appropriate persons and/or decision-making bodies. Works collaboratively with the Program Management Team to facilitate program implementation, elimination, and teach-outs.

Curriculum improvement: Identifies and facilitates task forces on issues related to the quality of curriculum, monitors results/responses of such task force, and recommends actions to appropriate persons and/or decision-making bodies. Examples:

  • Placement exams
  • Cross-listed courses
  • Delivery formats
  • Excellence System
  • Experiential Learning
  • Interdisciplinary programs/specialties
  • Plans and recommends major curricular and instructional initiatives consistent with the University’s mission and strategic plan.

Policies and Procedures:

Reviews and formulates proposed curricular standards and policies and recommends actions to appropriate persons and/or decision-making bodies. Examples:

  • Academic calendar
  • Curriculum calendar

UCC Service Time:

● Staggered terms of two and three years for full members, except the Registrar, Director of Academic Information Systems, and Assessment who will be permanent members

● Staggered term of three years for committee chair

● New Program Development: representation from Admissions, Marketing, Finance, Compliance, and Student Services

Interested in serving on UCC?  Contact Wayne Sneath (