Energy Consumption Policy


 Temperature Policy:

 o   Indoor temperature settings in all spaces during occupied periods will be:

          o   70˚ F during the heating season and 75˚ during the cooling season

          o   Spaces such as computer labs requiring critical temperature settings will be more tightly controlled.

o   These temperatures will be set be Facilities in centrally controlled systems.  Occupants who control their own thermostats are required to adhere to these settings.

o   We recognize that temperatures fluctuate within the building around these set points and every effort will be made to stay within 2˚ F of this range.

o   Supplemental electric heaters shall only be issued by Facilities when necessary.  These devices can be a fire hazard and will be allowed only in controlled circumstances with the authorization of Facilities.

          o   No other use of electric heaters is allowed and unauthorized heaters will be removed.

Occupant Responsibilities:

o   Reduce space lighting by using florescent desk lamps instead of ceiling lights where possible; turn off all lights when leaving the room.

o   When not in use computers should be shut down, or set to standby or sleep mode.  External monitors should be shut down when not in use.

It does not use more energy to turn equipment on and off.

Additional things individuals can do:

          o   Full overhead lighting should only be used if sunlight is insufficient

          o   Dress appropriately for the weather and have additional clothing available in case you are too cold in your space.

          o   Consider carpooling, walking, or riding a bus.