

Best Practice
This practice will ensure a minimum recycling standard for the University.  This practice defines guidelines for the recycling process and reporting requirements.

Program Scope
This program applies to all recycling activities at all University campuses.

       -- Ensure all classrooms and other areas where recycling may occur contain the necessary recycling containers.
       -- Maintain yearly recycling contract with local waste/recycling contractors. 
       -- Ensure the contractor processes all recyclables, including paper, glass, plastics, and cans.
       -- Develop quarterly reports of campus recycling activities.

       -- At a minimum, all University campuses will recycle paper and will recycle commingles (aluminum, metal, glass, plastic) to
          the extent the recycling contractor servicing the campus processes commingled items.
       -- At least one University standard blue recycling container (paper) and one blue recycling container (commingled) must be
          located in each classroom.  Other recycle containers must be located in areas where recycling may occur, such as in copier
          areas, staff lounges, student lounges, enclosed offices or office complexes, etc.
            -- Davenport University recycling/commingled container standard:
               Rubbermaid Commercial Products, #2956, 28 quart desk side recycling container
       -- The paper recycling container must have affixed to one side the square “Recyclable Paper” sticker.  The commingled
          recycling container must have affixed to one side the rectangular shaped “Commingled Recyclables” sticker.  A black, bold
          magic marker will be used to neatly blacken those commingled items not recycled by the contractor.
       -- The campus Facility Director will contract with local recycling companies for paper and commingled recycling.
       -- Within the first two weeks of each new fiscal year quarter, the Facility Director will calculate, complete and submit to the 
          Executive Director of Facilities Operations a report detailing recycling quantities for the previous fiscal quarter 
       -- The Executive Director of Facilities Operations will compile the information from all campuses and submit      
          this information to the Vice-President of Facilities.