Responsible Use Agreement

Network Responsible Use Agreement

Access to the Davenport University’s networks is provided in support of students’ academic and research activities, as well as reasonable and appropriate personal use.

Read the information below carefully as it specifies user responsibilities and responsible use standards for connecting to computer networks, including those in residence halls.

You must agree to the terms and conditions below to use the networks.

Basic Agreement

  1. I agree to abide by all applicable federal and state laws and University policies.
  2. I understand that I am responsible for the security of my computer and other devices connected to the network and for all activity originating from my those devices, including but not limited to:
    1. Traffic generated by viruses and malware;
    2. Sharing of music or other media files; and
    3. Other users who have gained access to my computer.
    4. I understand that I am not guaranteed a network connection or a specific amount of network bandwidth. Network resources may be managed to optimize the performance of some essential applications or resources and slow down other applications or resources.

Access and Proper Use

  1. I will not:
    1. Provide access to any University computing resource to anyone not eligible or allow others to access such resources using my identity.
    2. Redistribute or provide access to University computing resources for any fee or other consideration.
    3. Perform any action that denies another network user access to network resources.
    4. Use my computer to distribute copyright protected materials in violation of applicable state and federal laws.
    5. Attempt to gain access to services, resources, networks, or computers for which I am not authorized.
    6. Scan computers to detect access points or vulnerabilities.
    7. Use a campus network connection to run a commercial enterprise.
    8. I understand that:
      1. Excessive use of the network is prohibited and subject to restrictions. Excessive use is defined as using an amount of network resources beyond what is comparable to a single, interactive network session such as web browsing. This includes but is not limited to the legal sharing of music and other media files.
      2. Personally owned devices are only permitted if they utilize a reasonably small portion of network resources.
      3. When the University is required to respond to a violation of these terms and conditions, access for all devices within my unit will be disabled until the issue is resolved.

Network Integrity & Security

  1. I will not perform any action that would impair the function or compromise the integrity of the network or result in the denial or degradation of another user's access to the network.
  2. I will not alter network wiring, equipment or jacks, or extend the network.
  3. I will not attempt to alter computer, network, and data access.
  4. I will refrain from using personal Wi-Fi routers or access points, as they significantly and negatively impact the campus Wi-Fi environment, causing it to deteriorate and in some cases can make Wi-Fi unusable by all.
  5. Devices that connect to the network may be periodically scanned to ensure the security and reliability of the network.

Violations and Sanctions

  1. I understand that violations of applicable University policies regarding technology and network usage will be subject to disciplinary action. I understand that my networking or computing services can be suspended or terminated at any time if I violate this agreement. Violations may be subject to additional sanctions under the STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT. Civil and criminal prosecution may also result from violation of federal or state law.