Where is my Book Voucher?

For students with excess financial aid, a voucher will be made available 24 hours after you have completed the payment process during an open voucher period. 

How do I request additional loan funds? 

Learn how to request additional loan funds.

What if my loans have not posted?

If your loans have not posted, contact your Financial Aid Counselor.

Why do I have a hold?

Holds may be placed on a student’s account for Academic, Financial Aid, or Account Receivable Office reasons.  If you have a hold on your account contact your advisor.

How do I drop my class?

Contact your advisor if you wish to drop your class(es). If you are receiving Title IV funds, contact your Financial Aid Counselor.

Why am I being charged for a class I dropped or withdrew from?

Official notice of all withdrawals, failure to attend, or schedule changes (including no attendance in any class(es)) must be made in writing or in person to Advising. Failure to do so will result in full charges.  All other charges for classes are based on the date of withdrawal or drop per the withdrawal/ refund calendar

How do I cancel my payment plan after I dropped all my classes?

Automatic Payment Plans are adjusted according to your most recent charges.  Automatic Payment Plans are recalculated within 24 hours after an adjustment is made on your student account.

Why did my Automatic Payment Plan increase or decrease?

Automatic Payment Plans are adjusted according to your most recent charges.  Automatic Payment Plans are recalculated within 24 hours after an adjustment is made on your student account. Your new plan details will be sent to your student email.