Parking Policy

Parking Registration and Enforcement Policy

1.0 Overview

Davenport University (DU) has implemented this series of parking and traffic enforcement policies in order to ensure safe traffic flow throughout all parking lots and roadways on our campuses.  Specifically, DU seeks to maximize all available parking, maintain safe entry and exit points from each campus, allow access for emergency vehicles, and ensure the safest environment possible for both vehicle and pedestrian traffic.  

All parking lots and roadways within Davenport University are private property. Davenport University reserves the right to:

  • Issue citations for violations outlined in this policy
  • Tow vehicles that pose a safety hazard, are abandoned or disabled, and/or have substantial amounts in unpaid fines

Use of DU parking lots and roadways is considered a privilege, which may be restricted or revoked at any time, with our without advanced warning.  Davenport University may also restrict access to, or temporarily close, any campus roadway or parking lot at any time to accommodate maintenance, snow removal, special events, or emergencies. 

Davenport University reserves the right to interpret or revise these policies as needed.  Revisions will be posted on the DPS website, and hard copies will be made available at the DPS main office. 

Specific campuses, satellite locations, or off campus facilities may impose additional rules or restrictions on use of campus roadways and parking lots.  Those regulations will be published online on the DPS website and hard copies will be made available at the satellite DPS offices. 

All vehicle operators are expected to be familiar with and abide by all parking and traffic enforcement policies, including those specific to campus locations they frequent. 

All persons utilizing the parking lots and roadways on Davenport University Property agree to adhere to these policies, and are responsible for reading and understanding them to prior use. 

2.0 Definitions 

  • 2.1 "Reasonable"
    • (Of person) Having sound judgement; fair and sensible.
  • 2.2 "Perception"
    • The ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses.
  • 2.3 " Discretion"
    • The freedom to decide what should be done in a particular situation.

3.0 Parking Permits

Davenport University (DU) requires the display of valid parking permits on all vehicles at all times, unless otherwise authorized in writing by the Department of Public Safety pursuant to specific circumstances.  Davenport University defines a "vehicle" as a car, truck, SUV, or motorcycle, registered with the Secretary of State (Department of Motor Vehicles) and legal to operate on public roadways.  Off-road vehicles, RVs, Recreational Campers, and Tractor Trailers/Semi (even those registered with the secretary of state) are not permitted on Davenport University property.  Special consideration may be requested through the Department of Public Safety, and will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.  

Permit holders are only allowed to use Davenport University parking lots while on campus for university related business.  Use of the parking lots for personal needs is prohibited.  Special consideration may be requested through the Department of Public Safety and will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.  Authorization for personal use will be granted in writing. 

Permit Cost

  • Initial parking permits are issued free of charge. 
  • Replacement parking permits (i.e., lost, damaged, or otherwise irrecoverable) will be issued for a fee of $25.00.  

Permit Renewal

All Davenport University issued parking permits expire on July 31st of the current calendar year.  Renewal for permits opens on August 1st of the current calendar year.  Registration for a new student, new employee, or new vendor can be submitted at any time at this link. 

  • Residential and Commuter Student parking permits are renewed annually at this link.
  • Faculty/Staff and Vendor parking permits are renewed annually at this link. 

Visitor Permits

Davenport University provides free single day parking passes to visitors and guests of the institution, and has made short-term visitor parking available in certain parking lots. 

Multiple Vehicles 

All permit holders are allowed to register multiple vehicles to a single permit at no charge.  The issued permit may be transferred between any of the registered vehicles at any time.  Students and employees may add, delete, or modify their registered vehicle information at any time.  Each permit holder is only permitted to have one vehicle on campus at any given time, regardless of how many vehicles they have registered with Davenport University. 

  • Motorcycles
    • Students and employees are permitted to operate and park motorcycles on DU property.  To qualify as a motorcycle the vehicle must be registered with a state/provincial/tribal government and legal to operate on the public roadways of Michigan.  Motorcycles will be operated as any other motor vehicle, and are not to be driven on sidewalks, lawns, or any other area not authorized for vehicle use.  Motorcycles, like other motor vehicles on campus, may not park at bicycle racks for any reason.  All motorcycles must be registered with DU for a parking permit, but the permit is not required to be displayed.

Event Parking

Visitors for public events at Davenport University will not need to obtain a visitor parking permit.  Event parking will be occupied first, then overflow directed to additional lots as necessary.  Signs and traffic control devices may be used to direct even parking to certain locations.

3.1 Permit Types

  • 3.11 Commuter Student Permit
    • These permits are issued to students who reside off campus

  • 3.12 Resident Student Permit
    • These permits are issued to Grand Rapids W. A. Lettinga students only who reside in one of the on-campus residential facilities (South, Cook, Meijer, Panther Ridge, Panther Woods).  Resident students are required to park in designated lots near the residence halls. 

  • 3.13 Employee (Staff & Faculty) Permit
    • These permits are issued to all faculty members (including adjunct faculty) and all part-time and full-time staff members.  Student employees are not eligible for an employee permit and will be issued either a commuter or residential permit according to their living arrangements. 

  • 3.14 Vendor Permit
    • These permits are issued to vendors who frequent campus locations.  They are also used for vendors who operate unmarked or personal vehicles in support of their work. 

  • 3.15 Visitor Permit 
    • These permits are issued to campus visitors, and allow them to park in any parking lot for the day.  Visitor permits may be issued by an employee host, or picked up from the Welcome Center at any campus location.  Visitor permits are valid for one (1) day only.  
  • 3.16 Housing Visitor Permit
    • These permits are issued to overnight visitors of residential students, and allow overnight parking.  These permits are valid for up to three (3) nights, which is the maximum continuous stay for a guest of the residence halls.  Housing visitor permits are issued online only at this link.  The resident host must fill out all of the required information about their guest and the vehicle the guest will be keeping on campus.  Resident hosts assume responsibility for any parking related fines accumulated by their guests. 

4.0 Special Considerations

  • 4.1 Overnight Parking
    • Overnight parking is permitted in designated lots, and only by resident students with a proper resident parking permit.  These lots are indicated by signage and/or campus specific maps. 
    • Specific lots are also designated for use by those leaving vehicles while travelling on university business.  Those are indicated by signage and/or campus specific maps.  Those traveling on university business, including athletic travel, must notify the Department of Public Safety in writing of their travel date no less than 48 hours in advance.  That notification must include the names of those leaving vehicles on campus during the trip.  Coaches, department heads, or other travel organizers may submit notification on behalf of the entire group.  Exigent circumstances may warrant overnight parking approval with less than 48 hours notice, but such needs must still be approved in writing, and prior to departure, by the Department of Public Safety.
  • 4.2 Closure of Parking Lots and Roadways
    • It may be necessary to place temporary restrictions on the use of parking lots and roadways.  These restrictions will be determined by the Department of Public Safety in partnership with the Facilities Department.  Lot and road closures will be indicated with signs and/or traffic control devices.  When possible, these temporary restrictions will be communicated to affected parties in advance, in order to improve compliance.  Every effort will be made to provide alternative arrangements, but compliance with these restrictions is mandatory, regardless of the availability or convenience of alternate arrangements. 
      • A request for road/parking lot closure may be made in writing to the Department of Public Safety.  Except for emergency situations, all requests must be received one (1) week in advance.  

5.0 Parking Violations and Fines 

The following parking infractions are enforced at all times, including times when classes are not in session, and/or when the campus is closed.  Additionally, all vehicles operating on campus are expected to comply with the State of Michigan Motor Vehicle Code. 

  • 5.01 Failure to Display a Valid Parking Permit -- $25
    • Any vehicle parked on Davenport University property must display a valid parking permit at all times.  This excludes visitors parked in marked visitor-only spaces, or vehicles in designated lots during public events. 
  • 5.02 Accessibility Parking Only -- $75
    • Vehicles utilizing accessibility-only parking spaces must display a valid accessibility parking placard, or license plate decal, issued by a state/provincial/tribal government.  This includes the painted area between spaces used to allow ramp access to accessible vans.  Note: Local law enforcement can and will enforce accessibility parking on Davenport University property.  Fines issued by law enforcement agencies are determined by the court of jurisdiction, and may be more or less expensive than those imposed by the university.  Davenport University holds no control over citations issued by the outside law enforcement, and will not intercede behalf of violators.  Violators issued both a university and municipal violation are responsible for both according to the applicable policy and/or state law. 
  • 5.03 Blocking Accessibility Access -- $50
    • Vehicles may not park on any accessibility ramp, or on the roadway within 10 feet of any accessibility ramp or access point. 
  • 5.04 Obstructing Fire Lane/Fire Hydrant -- $75
    • Vehicles may not be parked in any fire lane at any time.  Fire lanes are marked by a curb painted yellow and/or by signs.  Additionally, vehicles must respect a fifteen (15) foot radius around the fire hydrants.  Note: Local law enforcement can and will enforce fire lane and fire hydrant violations on Davenport University property.  Fines issued by law enforcement agencies are determined by the court of jurisdiction, and may be more or less expensive than those imposed by the university.  Davenport University holds no control over citations issued by the outside law enforcement, and will not intercede behalf of violators.  Violators issued both a university and municipal violation are responsible for both according to the applicable policy and/or state law. 
  • 5.05 Obstructing Crosswalk or Sidewalk -- $25
    • Vehicles may not park on any part of the sidewalk or crosswalk at any time.
  • 5.06 Parking in Restricted or Prohibited Area -- $25
    • Vehicles may not park in areas designated as restricted or prohibited.  This includes, but is not limited to; service drives used for deliveries or areas designated emergency/service vehicles only.  This subsection also includes any designated "No Parking" by pavement markings, signs. barricades, traffic cones, or other parking control device.  
  • 5.07 Parking Outside Marked Parking Space -- $25
    • Vehicles may not park in any part of a parking lot that does not contain pavement markings designating the area as a legal parking space. 
  • 5.08 Occupying More than One (1) Parking Space -- $25
    • Vehicles are permitted to parking in one (1) parking space at any given time.  Vehicles will not park in a way that obstructs the use of surrounding parking spaces. 
  • 5.09 Overnight Parking (Between 2 AM and 5 AM) -- $25
    • Vehicles may only park in lots designated for overnight parking, and only within the parameters of section 3.1 of this policy.  Vehicles parked outside designated overnight lots between the hours of 2:00 AM - 5:00 AM, or those in violation of section 3.1, will be subject to fines under this provision. 
  • 5.10 Blocking Roadway or Access Point -- $25
    • Vehicles may not stop, stand, or park on any campus roadway, block any parking lot access, or impede the entry or exit of any building. 
  • 5.11 Disregard of Parking Control Sign or Device -- $25
    • Vehicles parked on campus must comply with all parking control signs at all times.  This includes pavement markings, as well as signs indicating permit parking only, no parking allow, limited-time parking, and any other sign regulating a lot or space.  This also includes barricades, traffic cones, or other device to restrict use of any lot or space.  This provision excludes fire lane/hydrant violations, and accessibility permit parking, which are covered by other provisions. 
  • 5.12 Unauthorized Vehicle Use and/or Parking -- $25
    • Use or parking of an off-road vehicle, RV, Recreational Camper, snowmobile, ATV, tractor trailer (semi), or any other vehicle not permitted to operate on public roadways is prohibited without prior written permission from the Department of Public Safety.
  • 5.13 Vehicle Parked on Landscaping/Sidewalk -- $25
    • Parking is not permitted on any landscaping, sidewalk, or area not designated for parking or vehicle traffic. 
  • 5.14 Parking for Personal Use -- $25
    • Parking on Davenport University property is restricted to official business only.  This includes attendance in academic or work-related functions, or participation in on-campus events.  Any person wishing to park a vehicle on campus at any time for any reason other than official business, must obtain prior written authorization from the Department of Public Safety. 
  • 5.15 Abuse of Parking Permit/Privileges -- $50
    • Any permit holder who knowingly obtains the incorrect parking permit, uses a visitor permit in lieu of purchasing a replacement parking permit, shares a parking permit with another user, or in any way attempts to circumvent the provisions of this policy is in violation of this section. 
  • 5.16 Abandoned Vehicle -- $50 + Towing Fees (if applicable)
    • Unregistered vehicles that remain parked in violation of any other provision of this policy for more than 72 hours will be considered abandoned after that time.  Vehicles without proper state/provincial/tribal license plates will immediately be considered abandoned.  Vehicles left in a way that indicates abandonment will also immediately be considered abandoned.  Examples of this include but are not limited to:
      • A vehicle left idling for an extended period of time
      • A vehicle with keys left inside and unlocked
      • Evidence that a person unaffiliated with Davenport University parked and left campus via other means without engaging in university related business
      • Evidence that the vehicle may have been stolen
      • Expired license plate as noted by the display decals of the issuing authority 
    • Abandoned vehicles will be tagged for removal by the Department of Public Safety.  This begins a 72-hour deadline before the vehicle is towed from campus at the owner's expense.  A reasonable effort will be made to identify the owner.  This effort is limited to a university record check, a single email notification, if possible.  Davenport University is not responsible for any inability to establish contact with a vehicle owner.  If the owner is not located, or does not take action to remove the vehicle or bring it into compliance with this policy, the vehicle will be towed at the owner's expense when the 72-hour deadline lapses.  That 72-hour deadline is firm, and is not subject to alteration; regardless of if/when contact with an owner is established. 
  • 5.17 Disabled Vehicle -- $50 + Towing Fees (if applicable)
    • Examples of a disabled vehicle include but are not limited to:
      • Vehicles with flat tires
      • Vehicles with missing engine parts 
      • Vehicles visibly unable to safely operate on public roadways
      • Vehicles otherwise known to be disabled by the Department of Public Safety
      • Evidence that the vehicle has not been moved in the previous 30 days 
      • Expired license plate as noted by the display decals of the issuing authority
    • Disabled vehicles will be issued a citation and tagged for removal by the Department of Public Safety.  This begins a 72-hour deadline before the vehicle is towed from campus at the owner's expense.  A reasonable effort will be made to identify the owner.  This effort is limited to a university record check, a single email notification, if possible.  Davenport University is not responsible for any inability to establish contact with a vehicle owner.  If the owner is not located, or does not take action to remove the vehicle or bring it into compliance with this policy, the vehicle will be towed at the owner's expense when the 72-hour deadline lapses.  That 72-hour deadline is firm, and is not subject to alteration; regardless of if/when contact with an owner is established. 
    • To avoid a citation for parking a disabled vehicle on campus, an owner/operator may proactively email and notify the Department of Public Safety of their disabled vehicle.  As long as the vehicle is otherwise legally parked, no enforcement action will be taken for 24 hours.  This will allow the owner/operator to resolve the matter without financial penalty under this policy.  These notifications must be received by the Department of Public Safety prior to any enforcement action being taken.  Notifications sent after the issuance of a citation or other enforcement action will not be considered. 
    • A disabled vehicle that in any way blocks a campus roadway, or access to any parking lot or building, will immediately be towed at the owner's expense under section 7.3 of this policy. 

6.0 Traffic Violations and Fines 

The following infractions are enforced at all times, including times with classes are not in session, and/or when the campus is closed.  Additionally, all vehicles operating on campus are expected to comply with the State of Michigan Motor Vehicle Code.  If possible, contact will be made in person at the time of the offense.  However, if the Department of Public Safety is not able to contact a violator due to safety concerns, the violator will be issued violations using alternative methods. 

  • 6.01 Excessive Speed -- $25
    • The maximum allowable speed on campus is 15 miles per hour (mph), unless otherwise posted.  The Department of Public Safety will determine excessive speed using reasonable perception and discretion. 
  • 6.02 Reckless Driving -- $50
    • Operating a vehicle with disregard for the safety of other people, or possible damage to property, is considered reckless driving.  The Department of Public Safety will determine reckless driving using reasonable perception and discretion. 
  • 6.03 Disregard of a Traffic Control Sign or Device -- $25 
    • Vehicles are required to abide by all traffic signs and devices, including but not limited to: stop signs, yield signs, barricades, road flares, etc. 
  • 6.04 Operating Vehicle off the Roadway -- $50
    • At no time will a vehicle be operated anywhere other than the designated roadways and parking lots.  This includes but is not limited to: sidewalks, lawns, and athletic fields.
  • 6.05 Failure to Report Vehicle Accident -- $75
    • All vehicle accidents occurring on campus roadways an in campus parking lots must be immediately reported to the Department of Public Safety.

7.0 Additional Enforcement Actions

Davenport University may take enforcement actions in addition to, or instead of the aforementioned fines.  These actions may be utilized when violations jeopardize the safety of the campus community, impede the flow of traffic, in response to repeat offenders, or to address serious violations on campus.  

  • 7.1 Revocation of Parking Privileges 
    • Any violator who accumulates $600 in violations (whether paid or unpaid) in a single academic year will be forwarded to the Traffic and Parking Appeal Committee for review.  The Committee will evaluate the circumstances of the violator's pattern of conduct, and may choose to revoke the parking privileges of that violator for the duration of the current academic year. 
  • 7.2 Towing of Vehicles -- $200 (in addition to tow company costs)
    • Vehicles may be towed under the following circumstances:
      • Vehicle remains on campus in violation of section 5.16 or 5.17 of this policy after the 72-hour deadline
      • Vehicle is blocking a roadway, parking lot, access point, building entrance, or fire lane/hydrant, in a way that presents a traffic flow or safety hazard as determined by the Department of Public Safety 
      • Vehicle remains in a closed parking lot, resulting in a negative impact on Davenport University operations.  An effort will be made to contact the owner to move the vehicle, but ultimate responsibility rests with the owner, not Davenport University
      • Vehicle is subject to more than $400 in unpaid, previously issued violations
        • Note: The appeal or payment status of any outstanding violation(s) will not affect the decision to remove a vehicle under this provision
      • Vehicle is registered to, or being operated by, a person whose parking privileges were revoked by the Traffic and Parking Appeal Committee in accordance with this policy. 
    • Davenport University reserves the right to tow vehicles under the above provisions with or without notifying the registered owner.  Further, Davenport University assumes no responsibility for costs assessed by the tow company, or damages resulting from the towing process. The $200 fine will be assessed immediately upon the tow company being contacted.  If the owner/operator returns to the vehicle during the tow process, they will also be required to compensate the tow company according to that company's policies as expressed by the tow truck operator.  Davenport University will not cover these costs, or intercede on behalf of permit holders with regard to tow company costs.  

8.0 Payment of Traffic and Parking Violations

All traffic and parking violations will be paid electronically through the online payment system.  If necessary, the Department of Public Safety will provide a computer for completing the payment transaction.  At no time will any member of the Department of Public Safety accept any payment by check or cash.  Instructions will be provided upon request to those requiring assistance. 

Payment is required within 10 days of receiving a violation, unless appealed.  If a violation is appealed, the violator will not be required to pay until that appeal is decided.  If the violation is upheld, the violator will have 10 days to pay the violation following the appeal decision. 

Violations left unpaid after 30 days will be sent to the Bursar's Office (Students) for inclusion on the student account, or to Human Resources (Employees) for follow-up.  Citations placed on a student account will no longer be subject to payment using the online system. 

9.0 Appeal of Traffic and Parking Fines

Any person issued a traffic or parking violation may appeal the fine in writing to the Traffic and Parking Appeal Committee at  The appeal must be received within 10 days of the violation for consideration.  Requests for appeal will not be granted after this date, and the violator is responsible for payment.  The committee will meet monthly as needed to consider all appeals.  Decisions made by the committee are final, and appellants will be notified of the decision in writing.  Neither the appellant nor the issuing officer is expected to attend committee meetings, and consideration will be given only to the written documentation provided by the appellant or included in any relevant citation or incident reports by the issuing officer. 

Any person whose parking privileges are revoked by the appeal committee may appeal the decision to the committee in writing within 10 days of being notified of the revocation.  Parking privileges will remain revoked, regardless of circumstance, until the appeal is considered.  If privileges are reinstated, the violator will be required to strictly adhere to all provisions of this policy for the duration of the academic year.  Any subsequent violation will result in immediate referral to the committee for review.  Additionally, the committee's decision on all revocation matters is final, and not subject for further appeal. 

9.1 Traffic and Parking Appeal Committee Members

The committee will be chaired by the Director of Public Safety or their designee.  The chair holds no voting authority, and is expected to remain neutral in the deliberation process, speaking only to clarify procedural questions related to traffic and parking enforcement.  The chair is responsible for scheduling meetings, and compiling all necessary documentation for the committee.  The committee will be comprised of the following voting members:

  • Representative from Student Affairs
  • Representative from Academic Services
  • Representative from Human Resources
  • Student Representative if available 

10.0 Modifications

Davenport University reserves the right to modify this policy at any time, with or without notice.  Revisions will be made at the discretion of the Director of Public Safety.  The current version of this policy will be published on the Davenport University website and be made available for review at the Department of Public Safety upon request.