If faced with an emergency such as a severe illness that prevents the completion of a course within the semester, students may request an Incomplete using the Incomplete Request Form.
- Must have successfully completed at least 70 percent of the coursework of the affected course
- The instructor will accept or deny the request and may request documentation
- Fill out the and send it to your instructor:
- Incomplete Request Form (electronic version, preferred and fastest option)
- Incomplete Request Form (PDF version, will take longer to process)
The instructor will indicate on the form the rationale for denying the request |
Student receives notification of the instructors decision & rationale |
Form will be added to the students official academic record |
A copy of the form will be added to the students official academic record | A copy of the form will be added to the students official academic record |
Frequently Asked Questions
For the 22-23 academic year:
The maximum time allowed for an Incomplete is 30 business days after the start of the next semester.
Starting in Fall 2023
The policy is changing to 30 Business days after the days after the end of the session or semester in which the Incomplete was granted
Faculty may designate fewer than 30 business days if they so choose.
After the due date your grade will change to the applicable grade for the course, you can view the grade and deadline on your final grades page
- Complete all assignments detailed on the incomplete form before the deadline
- Notify instructor of completed deadlines
Note that even if your grade is updated in Blackboard it will not be reflected on your transcript until your instructor submits a change of grade form. If you are having trouble getting in contact with your instructor please contact academicoperations@davenport.edu
The instructor has the right to determine what work is included. Typically any work that was due the week the incomplete was requested and remaining future work are included in the assignments to be completed.
This flexibility is allowed because Incompletes are typically requested due to unanticipated challenges and it can take a little bit to figure out the right solution for the student.
- Withdraw from the Course
- Contact your advisor to discuss withdrawing from the courses
- Apply for a Charge Appeal
- If approved could allow you to retake the course at no cost
An “I” grade in a course does not yet reflect credit in the course.
If a course with an “I” grade is a prerequisite for another course, that other course may not be taken until the “I” grade has been changed to reflect a passing grade.
Foundations of Learning courses are not eligible for an incomplete, they included:
- MATH030
- ENGL021
These courses are excluded due to being self-paced at many locations and are not used in calculating GPA.