Incomplete Grade Request

If faced with an emergency such as a severe illness that prevents the completion of a course within the semester, students may request an Incomplete using the Incomplete Request Form


  • Must have successfully completed at least 70 percent of the coursework of the affected course
  • The instructor will accept or deny the request and may request documentation
  • Fill out the and send it to your instructor:
  • The instructor will indicate on the form what work needs to be submitted and the due date
    • After the due date your grade will change to the default grade for the course,
    • You can view the default grade and deadline on your final grades page
The instructor will indicate on the form the rationale for denying the request
  • Once the Instructor signs the form it auto routes to their supervisor
    • Student receives notification of the instructors decision and the forms progress
Student receives notification of the instructors decision & rationale
  • Instructors supervisor signs off on the form 
    • Student is notified incomplete has been completed
    • Instructor can now enter an (I)ncomplete grade, final grade if work is not completed by the due date, and due date
Form will be added to the students official academic record
A copy of the form will be added to the students official academic record A copy of the form will be added to the students official academic record

Frequently Asked Questions