Welcome to Davenport University’s Global Campus (es)

Global Campus Consists of Flex, Livestream, and On-Demand classes.


  • The Flexible Course Delivery (Flex) format is a fusion of Livestream, In-Seat, and On-Demand course delivery formats.

  • Flex courses delivered on a physical campus will include all three course formats though inseat will only be available at the campus designated in the schedule. All course activity is synchronized around the in-seat meeting date(s) and times where the instructor provides weekly instruction that may be accessed through any of the formats. Students may freely switch between the delivery formats during the course, as all materials are available in all three formats.

  • Flex courses delivered on the Global campus are a combination of the On-demand and the Livestream course delivery. In this format, all course activity is enhanced by optional Livestream course meetings which are recorded where the instructor provides weekly instruction. Students may freely switch between the delivery formats during the course.

  • Most Flex classes are scheduled to meet weekly or twice-weekly; a smaller number of sections are scheduled to meet three times per week. The length of each class session is determined by the number of meetings per week and the number of credit hours or instructional time contact hours (whichever is greater) associated with the course.


  • The Livestream option provides students with a synchronous online learning opportunity where students interact with each other and the instructor during specific meeting days and times using video conferencing.
  • Students may participate in the class session from their home computer or other workstation as long as technology specifications are met.
  • For those students who do not have their own computer access, a computer workstation will be available on a Davenport campus. Most Livestream classes are scheduled to meet weekly or twice-weekly; a smaller number of sections are scheduled to meet three times per week. The length of each class session is determined by the number of meetings per week and the number of credit hours or instructional time contact hours (whichever is greater) associated with the course.


  • On-Demand courses provide students with asynchronous learning, using state-of-the-art technology. The required contact hours are met  online via asynchronous interactions with faculty, classmates, and course materials.
  • A seven week course requires  18-20 hours per week of student participation per week. Please note, individual students may require more (or less) time depending on their personal level of experience with the material, level of experience with computers, and the speed of internet connection. On-Demand Technology requirements.