Tobacco and Vaping Policy


Tobacco & Vaping                                                               

Revision Date 8-2018 

It is the policy of Davenport University to prohibit tobacco use, except in areas that are clearly labeled and identified as “Designated Tobacco Use” areas, on all University, owned and operated, premises in order to provide and maintain a safe and healthy work and learning environment for the students, faculty, staff, and visitors on campus. 

For the purpose of this policy, tobacco use includes but is not limited to any product containing, made, or derived from tobacco that is intended for human consumption, whether chewed, smoked, dissolved, inhaled, snorted, sniffed, or ingested by any means.  Tobacco products include but are not limited to; cigarettes, chewing tobacco, vaping, cigars, pipes, stogies, snuff, e-cigarettes, juuling, hookah, and other kinds and forms of tobacco.

  • Tobacco use is prohibited in all indoor spaces.  As the University acquires space or constructs new buildings or additions, tobacco use shall not be permitted in these buildings or areas.
    • Tobacco use is prohibited outdoors on all Davenport University campus property, except in the areas identified as a Designated Tobacco Use area.  
    • Tobacco use is prohibited in all University owned, leased or rented vehicles.
    • Advertising tobacco use is prohibited.  
    • Whenever possible, the designated areas will be located away from building entrances and air intake systems to reduce exposure to second hand smoke. 
    • Tobacco use at University Centers or other facilities not owned by Davenport University, will be governed by the facility’s policies.  
    • Visitors shall be notified of and required to comply with this policy. Visitors include but are not limited to: family, friends, vendors, other organizations or business professionals using our services,

Accountability:  It is expected that members of the University will adhere to these standards. It is also encouraged that we will remind each other of these expectations, and foster a culture of compliance with our peers.  Faculty and staff should use tact and good judgment when dealing with possible violations in this unofficial manner.   Tobacco use violations reported to the Public Safety Department may be subject to the following enforcement actions:

  • Initial Enforcement
    • Issuance of a $25 citation for a violation of the Tobacco & Vaping policy. These citations will be issued to anyone, and payment is accepted online, just as parking citations are. Initial enforcement will consist of citations for not more than two separate instances of non-compliance before being subject to Escalated Enforcement.
  • Escalated Enforcement
    • If a violator is found to be in violation of the Tobacco & Vaping policy after having been issued two citations, escalated enforcement will be taken. Community members will be subject to a $50 citation, and a disciplinary referral for violation of University policy. Students will be referred to the Center for Campus Life, and faculty/staff will be referred to Human Resources. Non-affiliates of the university will be issued a $50 citation and a trespass warning in accordance with applicable policy. Outcomes of the disciplinary referrals will be subject to the policies and procedures of the appropriate office, and are not governed by this policy.

The citation count will reset annually on August 1st for purposes of determining the need for escalated enforcement.

  • Appeal of Enforcement Actions
    • Appeals of citations for violation of the Tobacco & Vaping policy may be submitted in writing to the Executive Director of Public Safety or his/her designee.
    • Appeals must be submitted within 14 days of the date of citation issuance. Appeals of citations will only be considered on the basis that no violation of policy occurred. Review of an officer’s discretionary decisions will not be part of the appeal process.
    • Decisions of the appellate officer will be sent to the alleged violator in writing within 14 days of receipt of the appeal. Decisions of the appellate officer are final and may not be appealed any further.
    • Appeals of disciplinary referrals stemming from escalated enforcement action will be handled according to the policies and procedures of the appropriate office and are not governed by this policy.

Tobacco Cessation Support:  The University is committed to providing tobacco cessation support to members of the university community through the following:

  • Existing Davenport health plans
  • Employee assistance programs – Unum - 1-800-854-1446
  • Student assistance programs – Well Connect – 1-855-DU-HELPS
  • Community sponsors where possible
  • Students and employees are encouraged to access QuitlineNC at 1-800-QUIT-NOW or