Professional Development and Conference Funding

OPE supports your ongoing professional development. 

  1. External professional development:  Attending conferences, completing discipline-specific training, attending association meetings and obtaining certifications in your field are important to the work we do together. Submit your external PD funding request today and learn all about the process here: External Professional Development Funding Request Process.  
  2. Internal professional development:  OPE supports your individual and team development through a variety of facilitated and self-paced programs.  you can explore the self-paced resources on Empower U, connect with OPE to design a customized program for your team, or meet with us individually to develop a personalized plan to help you reach your professional goals. 

Need Professional Development Funding?

Davenport University offers several opportunities for staff and faculty to obtain funding to support professional development and initiatives that are not funded in their current operating budget. NOTE:  Approval is required for all funding listed below.  Do not make any purchases prior to receiving approval. 


Fund Name


Application & Details


Academic initiatives, programs and projects not funded with operating budget

ME Davenport Legacy Endowment Fund

All full-time and part-time faculty and staff.

Click here 

Letter of intent due Sept; full application due mid-October. 

Professional Development for Faculty and Staff

Wynalda Fund and ME Davenport Fund for Professional Development

All full-time and part-time employees, including adjunct faculty.  

Click here 

Application open from late August through early June each fiscal year.   Funding on a first-come, first-served basis.  

Equipment, software, teambuilding, and other resources relevant to your work at DU.


All full-time faculty and staff.

Click here 

Submit request in February.  Random drawing for winners in March.